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Choose to believe is a statement of our faith. We believe in an education that inspires excellence for the glory of God and the service of others.

The Saint Kentigern Difference

Our Learning Journey

We offer a world-class education that we believe will deeply benefit our students. It is one captivating learning journey that starts at Preschool, progressing through the Boys’ and Girls’ then, to the College years.

One Organisation


To provide education which inspires students to strive for excellence in all areas of life for the glory of God and the service of others.

We are committed to fostering a caring environment where the potential of each student is realised and service to others is considered ahead of personal gain.


Our Graduates will Serve and Lead with Distinction.

A Saint Kentigern education runs deeper than the acquisition of curriculum specific knowledge. Our students are encouraged to offer support and leadership to their peers and be of service to others.


Respect • Integrity • Service • Excellence • Love

Values education has long been synonymous with The Saint Kentigern Way, a code of care and respect that all our students and staff are encouraged to adopt in every facet of their daily lives.

Learning & Teaching

We achieve personal excellence through authentic, relevant and innovative learning.

Care & Wellbeing

We put relationships, care and trust at the heart of all our activities, promoting wellbeing and growth for all members of our community.


We are a leading and connected educational community working together to enable success for all.


We instill confidence, passion, self-belief and gratitude by providing spiritual, physical cultural and creative opportunities to empower out community to serve and lead.

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hiranga excellence whakaute hiranga excellence whakaute hiranga excellence whakaute hiranga excellence whakaute
respect ngākau pono integrity respect ngākau pono integrity respect ngākau pono integrity respect ngākau pono integrity
manaakitanga service aroha love manaakitanga service aroha love manaakitanga service aroha love manaakitanga service aroha love