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Health and Safety 

At Saint Kentigern, the Trust Board's dedication lies in fostering a workplace where all activities are conducted with regard to safety and well-being. We pledge to take every feasible measure to eliminate or reduce potential risks to the health and safety of our workers (including contractors, sub-contractors, volunteers, and more), students, visitors, and anyone impacted by our operations. 

Health and safety are collective responsibilities, each crucial in upholding a secure environment at Saint Kentigern. Together, we safeguard our most treasured assets – our community members. 

The proactive involvement of all inside our community is what makes a difference. We ask that all incidents, near misses and hazards be reported. Vigilance is invaluable in maintaining the safety and serenity of our Saint Kentigern campuses – an ideal setting for both learning and work. 

This page will continually develop, with safety information added as we introduce new protocols. If you have suggestions or specific health and safety topics you'd like to see covered, please get in touch with Your input is highly valued as we strive to make our community safer and more secure. 

ERO Report 

We greatly appreciate the consistently positive feedback we receive from the ERO (Education Review Office) reports. This feedback consistently affirms that the programmes we offer, the relationships between our staff and students, and the overall atmosphere of well-being at each of our campuses are genuinely exceptional.

Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care 

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care in state and faith-based institutions between 1950 and 1999 has broad Terms of Reference that include schools.

The Saint Kentigern Trust Board fully supports the Inquiry and its purpose. Currently, Saint Kentigern is not involved in the Inquiry. However, we will cooperate fully if there is any reason for us to be involved. 

If any allegations of abuse at Saint Kentigern are received, we are committed to respectfully and carefully responding to those claims. We have processes to ensure that anyone involved in those allegations has access to the support that they may need. 

If you have concerns or experiences that you want to share or would like to speak to Saint Kentigern directly, please feel free to contact the Trust Board Chairman at You may also contact the Royal Commission of Inquiry Contact and Support Centre directly on 0800 222 727 or email