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At Satin Kentigern Boys' School, we ignite a passion for robotics, engineering, design and technology by engaging students in programming, designing, and building, while fostering innovation and technical skills through hands-on learning.

In our junior school program, boys aged are introduced to the basics of robotics and engineering. They start with simple programming tasks, learning to control robots and navigate them through obstacle courses. This hands-on approach helps them understand concepts like momentum and resistance in a fun and engaging way. Our young students also explore building projects, such as marble runs and load-bearing bridges, which develop their problem-solving skills and spark their curiosity about how things work.

As boys progress to middle school, they dive deeper into the world of robotics and design technology. Our specialist classrooms are equipped with advanced tools like 3D printers and laser cutters, enabling students to bring their creative ideas to life. They participate in robotics races and challenges, applying conditional logic to program robots for specific tasks. Middle school students also take part in the EPRO8 Challenge, a competition that fosters teamwork, creativity, and engineering skills through complex building tasks. These experiences not only enhance their technical abilities but also build confidence and collaboration skills.

In senior school, boys tackle more sophisticated projects that require advanced engineering and design skills. They design and build their own robots, incorporating sensors and motors to complete intricate tasks. Our specialist classrooms provide a dynamic environment where students can experiment with various materials and technologies, refining their designs through iterative testing. Senior students also learn to stage and present their projects, developing communication skills and the ability to articulate their design process and outcomes. These projects prepare them for future academic and professional endeavours in STEM fields.

At Satin Kentigern Boys' School, our robotics and engineering program is designed to inspire and empower boys at every stage of their education. Our specialist classrooms are vibrant spaces where students can explore, innovate, and excel in technology and design. Our dedicated instructors provide personalized guidance, ensuring that each student receives the support and encouragement needed to thrive. Through collaborative projects and individual challenges, boys develop critical thinking, creativity, and resilience, essential skills for success in the 21st century.

Beyond technical proficiency, our program emphasizes the importance of sustainability and ethical practices in engineering and design. Students learn about the environmental impact of materials and technologies, encouraging them to make mindful choices and consider the broader implications of their work. They explore ways to use technology for positive change, fostering a sense of responsibility and a desire to contribute to society through innovation. This holistic approach ensures that our students are not only skilled engineers and designers but also conscientious and thoughtful individuals.

Our commitment to comprehensive education is reflected in our robotics, engineering, and design program. We believe that teaching boys these skills is more than just imparting knowledge—it’s about inspiring a passion for discovery, nurturing creativity, and building a foundation for lifelong learning. Our program equips students with valuable skills that extend beyond the classroom, preparing them for a future in any field they choose to pursue.

Satin Kentigern Boys' School invites you to discover the transformative power of our robotics and engineering program. Visit our specialist classrooms and see how we are shaping the innovators, engineers, and leaders of tomorrow. Join us at Satin Kentigern Boys' School, where technology and creativity come together to create a brighter future.