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Damon Emtage
“Our College is co-education at its finest. An incredible campus where your child transforms into a self-aware, resilient, responsible, young adult who understands the value of discipline and hard work against the backdrop of a global perspective.”
Meet the Principal

Why Saint Kentigern College?


Success is Personal

We choose to believe success is personal. Our Educators encourage excellence by nurturing each child's unique strengths and passions, ensuring they achieve their personal best.

Building Great Citizens

Thinking beyond the self and getting involved in acts of service, early in life, builds generous, grateful personalities with a strong connection to the community around them.

Giving it a Go

We choose to believe in the power of opportunity. Our core and co-curricular programmes are designed to empower the whole student and build confidence as they explore new topics and discover new experiences.

Just for Teens

We believe in our tailored educational programme. We understand how teenagers learn, and this is supported by passionate, caring educators and enabled through our extensive opportunities and incredible facilities.

Faith Everyday

What unites us is our choice to believe. Students engage in Christian Education. Instilling values, faith and moral principles in shaping individuals of character through structured lessons and weekly Chapel service.

Beyond the Classroom

We choose adventure! Our EOTC Programme builds resilience and makes memories. We encourage children to try new things, discover their personal bests, and develop a strong, adaptable character that prepares them for life’s challenges.

College Life

Life at the College is fun, curious and engaging. We’ll also be sure to offer a challenge or two to help our students explore the potentials they never knew they had. Meet some of our students…
Year 9
Year 13
I started at Saint Kentigern at Year 7 from a smaller primary school and I made friends from day one. There's only 22 boys in my class and my teacher is cool, he explains things so well.
8.35 AM Catch the Bus
12.30 PM Wishart Chapel
3:00 PM Year 9 Animation
4.30 PM Football Fixture
8.35 AM

Catch the Bus

I catch the bus from St Heliers and arrive at school at 8:35
12.30 PM

Wishart Chapel

After 4th period, during tutor time I go to the weekly middle school chapel service led by Rev.
3:00 PM

Year 9 Animation

I enjoy the programming challenges. They allow me to solve problems and express my creativity.
4.30 PM

Football Fixture

My coach is a former All White and his strategies mean that our team is mentally and physically prepared for each game. I find this so exciting, I have never played with this kind of mindset before and it really makes a difference to our teams performance.
I can't wait to get to university. Its been really great being at Saint Kentigern for the last five years as the IB programme and the amazing teachers has put me on the right learning pathway to get where I want to go.
7:15 AM Silver Duke of Ed
1.50 PM Applied Mathematics
3.00 PM Spanish
2.30 PM Photography Club
7:15 AM

Silver Duke of Ed

One of my best decisions was joining the Duke of Ed. I am always pushed outside my comfort zone doing outdoor activities and I have learned not to be afraid of trying something new. The feeling of achieving something together makes me happy.
1.50 PM

Applied Mathematics

Having been in the gifted and talented maths programme since year 9, I have been able to explore my love of maths with other likeminded students. I feel like I have a really strong foundation to fulfil my dream of becoming a civil engineer.
3.00 PM


Yo soy muy feliz! I am looking forward to my trip to Europe with the Year 13 so that I can practice my Spanish and French.
2.30 PM

Photography Club

I so look forward to having fun after school and being creative with my photography which is an opportunity to do something I really love outside class time.
I feel at home in the boarding house where there is a real family atmosphere; so many different people from all over the world. Keeping me on track with my studies is the scheduled supervised study time after school which means I can get my homework in on time.
9.00 AM Strength & Conditioning
11.30 AM House Music Practice
2.30 PM Food Technology
4:00 PM Football Game
9.00 AM

Strength & Conditioning

I go to the weights room every morning where my strength and conditioning coach supports me through my personal fitness plan so that I can get match fit.
11.30 AM

House Music Practice

The team spirit, the loud music, the competition and singing my heart out with my Cargill House mates gets us ready for best day of the year.
2.30 PM

Food Technology

When I go home during Term break I get to make all my favourites and my mum thinks it's amazing.
4:00 PM

Football Game

Football Game on the iconic Field 1 is the perfect end to my day. It's a combo of stretching my legs after being at a desk, team work and game prep with my mates and a bit of healthy competition.

Find Us

Pakuranga Campus 130 Pakuranga Road, Pakuranga, Auckland, NZ 09 520 8814