Choose to believe
We keep the faith. Whether you are learning here, sending your child here, working here, or one of our alumni, what unites us is our faith. choice to believe in the power of a Saint Kentigern education to change lives for the better.
Fides Servanda Est. Faith must be kept.
Academic Excellence
Leadership and building character
We understand that authentic leadership goes beyond academics. We instil the importance of character development, where each student pursues a fascinating and prosperous life, informed by their curiosity, our values and a focus of service and collective ambition.
Co-curricular opportunities
Campus Facilities
Boys' School
Girls' School
One learning journey
From Preschool to College, a Saint Kentigern education is one seamless journey through four schools and two incredible campuses. Through our encouragement and preparation, our students view the next move in their learning journey as something to look forward to. Our parallel pathways approach sees girls and boys separate during crucial influential years, then re-join co-ed learning when socialisation and preparation for the outside world are essential.
Wellbeing and optimism
Our commitment
Saint Kentigern prides itself on the quality of its education, the skill of its people and the breadth of its facilities. We invite all to keep the faith, and choose to believe in a future where your child realises their potential and takes their place in the world with quiet confidence, optimism and a strong identity of self.
Fides Servanda Est