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First Formal Dinner Welcomes New Bruce House Prefects and Boarders

04 March 2024

First Formal Dinner Welcomes New Bruce House Prefects and Boarders

March 04, 2024 at 4:21 PM

In 2024, Bruce House proudly accommodates a thriving community of sixty-eight students, including twenty-two newcomers this year. As graduates bid farewell, fresh faces from around the globe continually enrich our family.

The inaugural formal dinner of the year serves as a warm reception for our newcomers and the newly appointed prefects. Leading the five-strong prefect team are Bruce House Head Girl, Cassandra Cai, and Head Boy, Benjamin Moughan, supported by deputies Sara Triamchanchoochai and Harry Baik, alongside prefects Terri Sim and Oscar Anderson

During the dinner, the entire Bruce House cohort had the honour of dining with several College delegates, including Principal Mr Damon Emtage, whose prior involvement in boarding schools fosters a deep appreciation for our boarders. In his post-dinner address, Mr Emtage urged students to invest in their surrounding community. Drawing from his tenure as a Director of Boarding, he highlighted the invaluable advantage students gain in fostering relationships across diverse cultures, family backgrounds, and age groups – an asset that bodes well for future workplace dynamics. 

Following Mr Emtage's remarks, Director of Boarding, Mrs Bridget Anitelea, presided over the badge ceremony, where prefects and new boarders received their insignia. Each prefect took the opportunity to introduce themselves to the gathering, sharing a fun fact and a little on their background. Under their leadership, the goal is clear: to cultivate a family within Bruce House – a close-knit community where students and staff alike cherish, honour, and support one another. As each new student joins us, they become an integral part of the unique fabric of Bruce House, adding depth and diversity to the shared experience.